10 December, 2012

Eliminating Sadness Through Meditative Relaxation

Eliminating Sadness through meditative relaxation is an immediate benefit. When I do this method I feel the relief and lightness that gradually spread throughout my body.

However there is an initial difficulty, that is the feeling of sadness.

Being dispirited is the condition that sometimes discourages me to start a meditation.

But as I tried to give my heart to dispose myself in the process of reflection I noticed each body cell had started to glow in its natural way.
There is an upbeat feeling. There is a feeling of satisfaction of which I cannot explain. It brings me to the level of stability, satisfaction, and internal soundness. It could not be bliss but just a temporary relief close to happiness.

There are people who are using drugs for attaining short-time satisfaction as an escape from what is painful or sad. It would be better to practice meditative relaxation instead. It is safe and helpful as well in attaining psychological and physical health. Aside from that, it heals emotional pain, any trauma as the result of unwanted past experiences.

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